watched Oct 10, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
So, when the boy turns into a bear (which is not much of a spoiler), the aspect ratio of the movie switches from windowboxed 1.75:1 (or thereabouts) to a panoramic 2.35:1…signifying what, exactly? The entry into a fantastical world, like the black-and-white to color transition in THE WIZARD OF OZ? As if we didn’t already know we were watching animation, and that, sooner or later, the animals are going to start talking to each other. Joaquin Phoenix does fine talking bear, but is upstaged by the child actor employed to do talking bear cub. And there are some Phil Collins songs, because every cartoon movie about Inuits needs some vanilla wallpaper.
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 10, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
[DVD, library]
It’s hard to believe that I’ve gone 44 years without seeing this, especially since the original stage concept recording was a much beloved LP in our house while I was growing up – my sister had the sheet music and played it more often than Chopin, and I could (and still can) quote the lyrics word-for-word. So it pains me to see a film interpretation dominated by terrible acting, mediocre singing, and orchestrations buried in the sound mix. God-awful [pun intended].
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 10, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
Viewed in 2D. The visuals and sound were phenomenal, and kudos to the writing team for creating a unique story that branched out of the original with ease. The only weak link was Jared Leto’s character, who teetered on the edge of megalomaniacal stereotype – though his seeing-eye floater gadgets (if that’s what those were) were far-out and fabulous. As for Tarkovsky references? I saw them in some of the visual set-ups, but they seemed purely coincidental.
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 10, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
[DVD, Netflix]
A black & white cold-war nuclear bomb scenario from the early 1960s: unlike DR. STRANGELOVE, there is not an ounce of humor, but like that other film, there IS fighting in the war room.
“The producers of this film wish to stress that it is the stated position of the Department of Defense and the United States Air Force that a rigidly enforced system of safeguards and controls insure that occurrences such as those depicted in this story cannot happen.”
Tags: film · Screenings
- The Who “Tommy Can You Hear Me?”
- Bob Dylan “Foot of Pride (live)”
- Steve Winwood “Higher Love”
- Lewis Taylor “Back Together”
- The Flamingos “Hey Now!”
- Cilla Black “You’re My World”
- PF Sloan “Halloween Mary”
- Roger Waters “Deja Vu”
- Randy Newman “Suzanne”
- The Damnwells “Lost”
- The Youngbloods “Grizzly Bear”
- Bob Dylan “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door (live, 1975)”
- Elton John “Guilty Pleasure”
Tags: Fred FM · music · Random Song Machine · Uncategorized
watched Oct 09, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
BEATRIZ boasts a magnificent fake-out ending that had me cheering, and I felt dirty and nasty for doing so. But the film’s true ending is a total downer that I interpreted as an allegory for the current hopelessness of the lower and immigrant classes struggling under the heel of the arrogant rich in Trump’s America, where fairness and conscience are an inconvenient nuisance. Yeah, I know, I know – that sounds like a reach, right out of the Socialist playbook and a mimic of the blowhard from the movie theater queue in ANNIE HALL; but ever since seeing MOTHER!, I’m reading more into things. And that’s certainly preferable to accepting the art I encounter only at its face value; this film has to have some depth beyond a simple tale of a Mexican woman attending a rich folks’ dinner party and being gobsmacked by their shallow callousness.
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 09, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
[on-demand, HBO]
Prior to viewing this, I had read a review opining that SPIELBERG borders on hagiography. That is spot-on. However, the insights that show how closely Spielberg’s personal life hews to topics within his storytelling were valuable and honest. The choice of film clips was well-orchestrated to the documentary’s themes (unlike, say, a dutiful chronology of standard, overused clips one might see in an episode of Inside the Actor’s Studio). Not enough Tintin, though.
Tags: Uncategorized
rewatched Oct 08, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
One of the wickedest, most deranged, and darkest of all films noir, and easily my favorite of the pure genre entries. Ann Savage is a terrifying harpie as the ultimately doomed femme fatale…hell, everyone in this film is doomed.
The version of this film screened on TCM was tagged at the end as a 2017 restored scan. The print still showed its age, but the sound was vastly improved over the last time I’d seen Detour, on a cheap public domain DVD pressing.
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 07, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
[DVD, library]
People in Panahi’s taxicab keep asking him to supply them with fresh ideas for stories. You’ll find them in places you wouldn’t expect, he tells a film student who is visiting his cab to buy some pirated art film DVDs, hoping to get ideas from them for a short film. His hilarious, precocious niece asks him, also, but soon realizes that her uncle is a great subject himself. This 82-minute film is my favorite Panahi yet, a warm and lively slice of life, and the perfect place to start if you’ve never seen one of his films.
Tags: film · Screenings
watched Oct 07, 2017,
spitballarmy’s review published on Letterboxd:
[blu-ray, Netflix]
Such great fun, and a pleasure to see a superhero action film script place character development above explosions and gadgets (although the explosions and gadgets here are top-drawer!).
Tags: film · Screenings