I can’t think this morning. I guess I have too good a case of Spring Fever.
Tags: Richard & Alice
I had planned to shave and take a shower last night but I didn’t get it done. It’s all the night nurse’s fault.
Tags: food · Richard & Alice
Tags: food · Richard & Alice
Tags: Richard & Alice
Dr. Anderson took the other 4 stitches out this morning. He thought it was looking good and he told me I didn’t have to carry it in the sling any longer.
Tags: Richard & Alice
I just woke up about a half hour ago when they wheeled a piano in the ward. A girl is now playing and it’s her music that has put me in this mood.
Tags: music · Richard & Alice
Tags: Richard & Alice
Tags: Richard & Alice
I haven’t received any mail since I wrote yesterday morning and all that I have done since then is eat, sleep, play cards, go to the show, and wash clothes.
Tags: film · Richard & Alice
Tags: Richard & Alice