She took it all too personally: when I thanked her for saying Hello, she acted terrified that she might’ve ignored me in the past.
She took it all too personally: when I thanked her for saying Hello, she acted terrified that she might’ve ignored me in the past.
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Covered in an icy translucent sheath, the myelinated high-wires pulsed with energy; the neighborhood twinkled with light, for now.
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Students juggled mugs and bowls to the dining hall tables while, on the snowy dorm steps, classmates sledded on cafeteria trays.
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The announcer inside the clock radio perkily voiced, “I hope your Tuesday morning is going better than mine.” That woke me up.
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Each morning the old man tells me, “My daughter will be 50 in March. She lives with us…long story, let’s just call it a stroke.”
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Hardly vigilant, the lifeguard sang hymns to himself, loudly, out-of-tune, hands flailing. Poolside, I waited for him to levitate.
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Hoy en día se me dijo, en Inglés, que mi nivel de empleo sería bastante superior si hablaba español con fluidez.
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He’d agreed to sell the artwork to a chum for $400, but after a museum proposed 450, he deemed the relationship worth the balance.
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She caught his eye, arriving after the last song, dejected. He, with guitar, sat down on the lip of the stage and sang one to her.
The mayo in the jar was runny: he suspected his visiting mother who, in her thrift, would add water to near-empty shampoo bottles.