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Richard to Alice: 29 March 1946

December 11th, 2010 · No Comments

[Written to Alice in Acton, Indiana.  Return addressed: Richard, Ward 11, U.S.N.H., St. Albans, L.I., N.Y.  No postmark.]

Mar. 29, 1946

Hello Sweetheart,

     I don’t think I’m going to like this stationery.  Looks like it would make a better blotter.  I hit the jack-pot yesterday.  I received 4 letters and a card.  The card was from Uncle Art, one letter from Bolks, and then yours and Ray’s.  Don’t worry about what happened to the original envelope for Ray’s letter.  It just so happens that that was it.  That’s right.  Ray was at the farm when he wrote it.  He just sent a note and gave me his address.  He must be a civilian now.  He gave me his home address.

     I called Joe last night to tell him I would definitely be there unless the weather is too bad.  He said to tell everybody hello and he asked how every body was at home.

     I can’t think this morning.  I guess I have too good a case of Spring Fever.  I love you Sweetheart.  Better close now.  I just got the word that I had to be at x-Ray in 10 minutes.  I can’t figure it out but I’m anxious to find out what the shoulder blade looks like.  I’ll bet it is still cracked pretty badly.  Wh Want to bet?

     Good-night Sweetheart
          I love you with all my heart
               Pleasant dreams
                    Goodnight Sweetheart
                         x x
                                   I love you

Richard to Alice: 29 March 1946

Tags: Richard & Alice

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