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Richard to Alice: 13 February 1946

October 20th, 2010 · No Comments

[Written to Alice in Acton, Indiana.  Return addressed: Richard, Ward 11, U.S.N.H., St. Albans, L.I., N.Y.  Postmarked at Jamaica, N.Y., on 13 Feb 1946 at 1 P.M.]

Feb. 13, 1946

Hello Sweetheart,

     I don’t know as yet, but this letter may be a little short.  It depends on how fast I go with it.  I have an appointment at 10 this morning to get that muscles test I told you about.

     I received 2 letters and a card yesterday.  Yep – the card was from Uncle Art.  This time we had a picture of the Wingate Christian Church.  He just said the usual things and that he had the storage room cleared up.

     I ran into Stackroth yesterday.  Do you remember my telling you about him?  He was in the next fox-hole to me when he was hit.  He is being surveyed and expects to get out within the next two months.  That’s about the only thing that happened yesterday.  The barber came around to the ward and scalped me and we had the usual movie last night.  It was on the ward and I think the name of it was “The Remarkable Andrew.”  It was as crazy as usual.  Andrew Jackson and some other ghosts came back to help his name-sake out of trouble.  It was made in 1941 I think.

     What the devil goes on in the bedtoom?  Why should the door always be unlatched in the morning?  Do you know when it’s opened?  Is anything ever touched?  I can understand about the bath room, but nobody should have any reason for going into the bedroom.  Tell me more about it.

     Do you ever read parts of my letters to the folks?  Or do you just tell them the news?  You tell them don’t you?  Occassionally you might tell them I asked about them and tell them “hello” for me or something.

     Did the bank send a statement?  You didn’t say anything about it in your letter.  Sweetheart, the next time I call (Sat. or Sun.) I’ll reverse the charges and talk to Dad too.  O.K.?  That should make him feel a little better, don’t you think?

     Turner’s doctor in 104 examined his leg the other day.  He was pressing around the scar and commenting on how firmly it was healed and he split it open about 2 inches at the knee.  That made Turner very happy.  That’s the hardest spot to heal and they won’t let him back on this ward until it’s all healed.  He spends most of his time down here though.

     It’s time to go see how and if my muscles are improving.

     Good-night Sweetheart
          I love you with all my heart
              Pleasant dreams
                   Goodnight Sweetheart
                             x x

The first 9.5 minutes of The Remarkable Andrew (1942):

Richard to Alice: 13 February 1946

Tags: film · Richard & Alice

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