[Written to Alice in Frankfort, Indiana. “Frankfort” crossed out in purple ink and replaced with “Wingate,” and “c/o [Uncle] Art ______.” Return addressed: Richard, Co. G, 2nd Bn., 1st Mar., c/o F.P.O., San Francisco, Calif. Postmarked at U.S. Navy, on 23 Jun 1945, at Frankfort, Ind. on 29 Jun 1945 at 1 P.M., and at Wingate on 30 Jun 1945 at 9 A.M. Envelope stamped on front, “Passed by Naval Censor,” and initialed by the Censor.]
June 22, 1945
Hello Sweetheart,
Well, I’m making a little headway. I’m getting closer and closer all the time: – Okinawa, Guam, and now the Hawaian Islands. How am I doing? Two more stops – West Coast, U.S.A. and Great Lakes. Boy, is that wishful thinking!! I think I’ll make it though Sweetheart. I hope it doesn’t take too long. Of course, nobody knows but what little I can find out, [CENSORED]. IF (that is really a big word.) I do follow that course, do you suppose I would have any visitors? I presume you are back in that neighborhood. I don’t know for sure. I haven’t had any mail for over 3 weeks and it probably won’t catch me [CENSORED]. I just made a gentleman’s bet with the guy next to me that I [CENSORED]. It’s crazy but I can dream, can’t I?
I love you so much, Sweetheart. All I can do is lay here and dream about you. You are always on my mind, Sweetheart and there is nothing I like better then thinking of you. I try to imagine just what you are doing. I’m always with you, Sweetheart. It will be so wonderful when we are back together. Maybe some of these days we will be able to live a normal life. I’m sure the day will come. This waiting is getting me down though. I know I have quite a while to wait before I’m completely patched up; but that waiting would be so much easier if I were near you and could see you occassionally. That’s all I’m doing now – just waiting. I think they have done all they can for me. From now on it is up to Mother Nature and time. Nobody seems to have any idea as to how long it will take. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Let’s both hope and pray that each letter may be the [CENSORED].
Goodnight Sweetheart
I love you with all my heart.
Pleasant Dreams
‘Nite Sweetheart
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