[Written to Alice in Frankfort, Indiana. Return addressed to Richard, U.S.M.C., En Transit. Postmarked in Los Angeles, Calif., on 30 May 1944 at 11 PM.]
May 30, 1944
Hi Sweetheart,
Well, here we are in Los Angeles. We finally got this far anyway. By your time, it is now 8 P.M. We have an hour lay over here and then we are off for Dago. Talk about food!! We sure are getting plenty. We just finished, had ham, noodles, potatoes, peas, tomato juice, milk, coffee, donuts, ice cream, lettice, and hot rolls. Mac and I are leting some of that settle down now. We are at the USO. At the pressent, Poinncianna¹ is playing on the victrola², a sailor is playing boogie on the piano, a ping pong game is going in front of me, and just about everybody is talking. All the desks are full so I’m writting this on Life Magazine. I hope you can read it. Stardust³ just started on the vic. I love you, Sweetheart. Well, now I can’t get my mind on writting.
I think I’d better quit trying. All I do is think, I just can’t get it on this paper. If I can find time, I think I’ll be able to send you my address tomorrow.
This is all for now.
Good night, Sweetheart
I love you with all my heart.
x x ‘Nite
x x
¹ “Poinciana” is a song written in 1936 by Buddy Bernier and Nat Simon. A recording by Bing Crosby achieved chart status in 1944.
² The Victor-Victrola phonograph record player was the original record player to gain widespread popularity. For many years after the market had accepted other brands, phonograph players were referred to as “Victrolas.”
³ “Stardust,” the classic song penned by Hoagy Carmichael in 1927, and covered by countless singers since. Below is a recording of the song by Frank Sinatra, circa 1940.
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