Spitball Army

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Dear Ralph: 30 July 1944

November 12th, 2011 · No Comments

[V-mail addressed to Ralph N., Richmond, California.  Return addressed to E.R.G., C.M. 3/C, 55th Battalion, Company D, Platoon 4, c/o FPO San Francisco, California. Envelope postmarked 20 August 1944 at 7:30 p.m.]

July 30 – 44.

Hello Ralph –

Say, how did you know when my birthday rolled around?  I’ll admit I’m getting older right along and I have just passed one more milestone but I thought it was more or less a secret.  Anyway, your comic card arrived today and it’s certainly appreciated.  Considering when you mailed it, in June, you didn’t do bad because it only got here a little over a week late.  Got another card today and still have two packages coming.  By the way, did I tell you that I’ve joined the V.F.W.  I’m a member of Post 1010 in Emeryville, Tony’s old hang-out.  So they’re cutting down on the help at all the yards now huh?  I hope an old-timer like you don’t get the axe.  Are you a leader-man now?  I’m sure that by now you’ve heard from me a few times since we left Australia.  Our job here is over half finished so they say and of course we are all wondering what comes up next.  Naturally we all hope that we start heading over your way but of course it all depends.  You know MacArthur is boss down this way.  So long for now.  Best wishes to you and your mother.


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