[V-mail addressed to Ralph N., Richmond, California. Return addressed to E.R.G., C.M. 3/C, 55th Battalion, Company D, Platoon 4, c/o FPO San Francisco, California. Envelope postmarked 27 February 1944 at 8:30 p.m.]
Feb. 21 – 44.
Dear Ralph –
Yes, it’s time, we are actually getting seven more days of leave. Aren’t you jealous? How’s about after our leave and our possible next job? Are you jealous and want in on that too? It looks like our Navy is really beginning to go to work up north, doesn’t it? Of course, you realize that each step they take means more work for us guys, don’t you? Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll be home next fall. Your letter sounds like they are really clamping down around there. I guess it’s about time something was done. No more sleeping in the double bottoms now I guess. There’s always room in the New Guinea jungles for those that don’t like the new system (at a much smaller salary). Things are sure looking up over here, morale is high, lots of activity, in fact the push is on at last. Hope we get in amongst it before long. Take it easy in the meantime and lots of luck.
So long –
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